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Do you send in self-tapes and wonder if they were any good or not? Let's face it if you don't get called back and you do not hear anything back, then it is like your audition tape is gone forever.


This service gives you a written critique of your work by casting director and CMFA founder, Faith Hibbs-Clark. You will get specific feedback on what you did well and what areas need improvement. 


If you have gone through our signature audition training program, your critique will be specific to the concepts you learned in that class.

Self-tape Review

  • Once you have paid for this service, please email your audition video using the free software called wetransfer to and allow for up to 7 days for a response. You will get feedback for 1 video take (no more than 4 minutes in length)

    If the video take is longer than 4 minutes, please purchase multiple sessions.  

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